Houdini Battle

Welcome to my Houdini Battle page!

At the 2020 Houdini Hive Education event, I participated in the first-ever SideFX hosted Houdini Battle! Houdini Battle is a live, 45-minute competition in which Houdini artists face off to create a piece of art based on a randomly selected theme. The amount of artists competing varies from battle to battle, and the audience decides the winner!

I plan to participate in more of these battles and will post my thoughts about each one below!

Houdini Hive Education Edition 2020

This Houdini Battle had two players: Antoine Dupriez and Lucas Tomaselli (me)

Theme: Ice Scepter

Thoughts: I had so much fun participating in this event. Initially, it was very nerve-racking to be asked to compete against another student in front of a live audience, but the excitement of the event ended up making all the nerves go away. 

The biggest struggle of this challenge was easily the 45-minute time constraint. It forced me to be extremely deliberate and made me really think about where my time was best spent. At the same time, the time constraint was also liberating! I tend to find myself getting caught up on making every detail perfect, but in this environment, there is no time for that. Instead, you get a burst of free-flowing creativity that isn’t bogged down by minuet details.

On the right is the Ice Scepter that I created for this battle.

A video of the live event is coming soon!

Below is a breakdown of my process.
